The following Conditions are part of our Advanced Targeting Conditions Extension.
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URL Is #
Variables #
- Exact URL: Input the URL exactly, including “http://” and “https://” protocols.
Definition #
Loads the popup if the URL of the page is as inputted in the variable field.
Uses #
You can target any URL within your website, which could be handy if it doesn’t fall within any other Conditions.
URL Contains #
Variables #
- Contains: Type anything that is conained within an URL within your website.
Definition #
This Condition loads the popup on any URL(s) within your website that contains the string inputted within this variable field.
Uses #
This Condition gives you the ability to target a swath of URLs within your site, which could be useful if you wanted to target an entire directory or corner of your site with a popup.
URL Begins With #
Variables #
- Begins With: Input what the URL begins with.
Definition #
Loads the popup on only pages where the URL begins with what you input for the variable value.
Uses #
Great for targeting subdomains.
URL Ends With #
Variables #
- Ends With: Input what the URL ends with.
Definition #
Loads the popup when the URL ends with what you input for the variable value.
Uses #
This has interesting applications if you wanted to target website file extensions (e.g., .html).
URL Regex Search #
Variables #
- Valid RegExp: RegExp refers to Regular Expression, a programming language. Enter your valid Regular Expression in the text field.
Definition #
Loads the popup according to the Regular Expression inputted.
Uses #
If you’re familiar with Regular Expressions, then this Condition offers you ultimate flexibility for targeting your popups.
Query Argument Exists #
Variables #
- Argument Name: Enter your Argument Name in this field.
Definition #
This Condition only loads the popup if Query Argument named above exists.
Query strings on the web are used in URLs for advanced application and uses. If you’re not familiar with query strings or aren’t sure how create them, Wikipedia has a great article for a beginner’s introduction, W3Schools shows you some applications, and this is a nice article on how to write valid query strings.
Uses #
This Target can be a very powerful tool because it allows you to target popups based on specific links users click. This is a great way to display “Thank You” popups after a form submission, for example.
Query Argument Is #
Variables #
- Argument Name: Input the Argument Name.
- Argument Value: If your Argument returns a value, it should be entered here.
Definition #
Loads the popup if the Query Argument returns a value matching the variable inputted above.
Uses #
Great for targeting a sub-section of users who are part of a larger group where the Query Argument simply exists, but you need to drill down to a more specific set of users.