v1.2.2 - 2024-08-25
- Fix: Deprecated PHP 8.3 for #{var} syntax.
- Fix: Deprecated PHP notice for float based string conversion.
v1.2.1 - 2024-08-25
- Fix: Deprecated PHP 8.3 notice for dynamic properties.
v1.2.0 - 06/24/2023
- Feature: Add support for Google Analytics v4. Read our quick start guide.
- Improvement: Added additional event data to GA4 events.
- Added: Popup ID
- Added: Popup Title
- Added: Popup Trigger Details
- Added: Page URL
- Added: Page Title
- Added: Time open for popup_close & popup_conversion events.
- Deprecated: Support for Universal Analytics has been dropped. The existing config for event tracking will be sent with a
prefix to the event parameter name. These will be removed in a future release.
v1.1.13 - 07/08/2021
- Fix: Issue where NF3 conversions were not saved on some caching setups.
v1.1.12 - 04/09/2020
- Fix: Bug when NF v3 was on the page but not in a popup.
v1.1.11 - 07/30/2019
- Improvement: Added proper tracking for NF 3 & PM Sub Forms.
- Fix: Issues with analytics fields not working on new NF forms.
v1.1.10 - 12/25/2018
- Fix: Removed unnecessary usage of native php sessions.
- Fix: Health Check errors due to missed extra white space in php file.
v1.1.9 - 11/26/2018
- Fix: Duplicate admin open counts removed.
v1.1.8 - 08/24/2018
- Fix: Bug in analytic report form when using weird server settings.
v1.1.7 - 12/13/2017
- Improvement: Removed deprecated php functions.
v1.1.6 - 04/27/2017
- Improvement: Allow extra text when using [open_trigger], [close_trigger] & [conversion_trigger] in event labeling.
- Improvement: Removed deprecated php functions.
- Fix: Bug in JS conversions due to changes in core.
- Tweak: Added order by clause to stat queries to prevent out of order graphs.
- Fix: Bug where auto open trigger was causing JS errors with Analytics.
- Added better click trigger support.
- Set a longer limit on the trigger db column and applied a length limit to the data args to prevent errors.
- Fixed a bug in JS for click based triggers.
- Added missing public variable declaration.
- Added namespace to the open and close events for easy cancellations.
- Migrated to custom tables for better statistics & performance.
- Rewritten to use the PM Boilerplate.
- Added new conversion detections.
- Added better reporting.
- Added upgrade routine.
- Fixed bug in calculation of conversion rate.
- Extended conversion rate to 3 decimal places.
- Removed public menu for popup_analytic post type.
- Fixed bug in how average time open & average conversion time were calculated. Should now be more reliable.
- Added async: false to the browser close ajax call to ensure call is made successfully.
- Version Change for Launch