The following targeting conditions are part of our Advanced Targeting Conditions (ATC) extension.
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Keyboard conditions allow plugin users to target visitors who are visually impaired and rely on keyboard accessibility to navigate through a web site. Activate a popup based on visitor use of their keyboard. Keyboard conditions provides plugin users with 3 different targeting options to activate a popup based on visitor keyboard use.
Holding Ctrl ( ‘Control’ key ) #
Definition #
Activate a popup when a visitor presses the ‘Control’ (Ctrl) key on their keyboard.
Holding Shift ( ‘Shift’ key’ ) #
Definition #
Activate a popup when a visitor presses the ‘Shift’ key on their keyboard.
Holding Alt ( ‘Alt’ / ‘Option’ key ) #
Definition #
Activate a popup when a visitor presses the ‘Alt’ ( or ‘Option’ ) key on their keyboard.