Target countries, regions, and postal codes with our geotargeting feature


Need to show the popup only to visitors from certain countries or regions? This geotargeting feature is what you are looking for!

With this extension, you can add new targeting conditions to your popups that allow you to:

  • Shows popups only to visitors from certain countries
  • Show popups to all visitors except certain countries
  • Show popups only to visitors from certain states or provinces
  • Show popups to all visitors except certain states or provinces
  • Show popups only to visitors from certain postal codes
  • Show popups to all visitors except certain postal codes

Why does this extension require a 3rd-party service?

Unlike other popup software, which includes a database of location data that never gets updated, this extension uses 3rd-party services which updates their data up to 20 times per day to ensure your geotargeting is always accurate and up-to-date.

This Geotargeting feature requires one of these services:



Included in our Optimize plan.

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  All subscriptions are billed yearly. You may cancel at any time. Extensions subject to yearly license for support and updates. View terms.

Minimum Requirements

WordPress  3.6.0
PM  1.4.0
PHP  5.2.4
Current version: v1.0.0