Landing pages are optimized with more suitable colors and A/B tests so that every visitor that lands there want to click on your CTA (call to action) button and become a customer. Every once in a while, all the optimization seems not to be working as the conversion rate is low. Many significant elements of a landing page determine the response rate, but none of them may affect your conversion as much as the information written on the page.
Copywriting is a sure way of sharing your information so that you grab the attention of your ideal customer. The better you can convince a visitor with words, the quicker he/she will become satisfied. In other words, excellent copywriting makes for higher conversion rates. Since you want your landing page to convert customers, you have to develop better strategies to improve the chances that he/she will click and not leave.
How To Improve Conversions Through Copywriting
A landing page is a simple but vital tool that encourages high conversion rates and builds a larger customer base. This digital marketing strategy leads the customer to a particular product or service and encourages him/her to take action. You want your landing page to drive action and more customers to click the CTA button or fill the contact us form. Here are five ways of improving your landing page copywriting so that all your marketing efforts reach the desired conclusion
#1 Be Clear and Concise
Unlike a homepage, a landing page addresses a particular product, service, or offer, making it appealing to a specific buyer persona. Since the audience already has an idea of what they desire, you do not want to beat about the bush on your landing page. You are not trying to fill up the necessary lines as a student would do when assigned to write a paper or an essay.
Rather than just achieving a set word count, you want to pass information and give the customer a reason to stay with you. Describing how your service or product will benefit the customer’s day-to-day life will appeal to them. It comes in handy, especially for those that will not want to read the whole content. Ensure the information your audience will see on the page matches their expectations so that you do not lose them.
Clarity means people can tell what you are selling easily from your landing page. The headline should convey this, as no reader will go below the headline if it is not understandable. According to an article by Digital Doughnut, about 8 out of 10 persons will read through a headline copy; however, only 2 in 10 will continue to the rest of the page. Also, use subheadings, bold texts, bullet points, and white spaces to organize your page, divide your copy into interesting broken bits, and make it more attractive.
An example of a clear and concise landing page is the Shopify free trial page above. The page is simple with few words and subheaders. Plus, there are not many fields to fill, and so the customer feels more at ease. In being concise, do not waste your customers’ time with additional or extra words. You can avoid this by doing the following:
- Avoid the use of passive voice. For example, instead of saying “our auto-shipping options have always been appreciated by customers,” say “all customers appreciate our auto-shipping options.” Active voice makes your content more engaging.
- Avoid confusing headlines that may reduce the conversion rate. Clickbait may do you more harm than good, so it is good to be true to your words.
- Use pronouns such as ‘you’ and ‘your’. These words are personal, helping you to relate with the potential customer as if he/she is the only person that matters.
- Edit your page after you finish. In editing, delete unnecessary words, excessive adverbs, redundant pairs, and details that seem obvious.
- A/B test different variants of your copy such as headlines, color schemes, calls-to-action, small changes in wordings, length of the page, and other elements of a landing page to see how they can affect conversion.
#2 Show Evidence or Social Proof of Your Credibility
You want your customer to trust that you will deliver your promise, so you need to win this trust before they can convert. If you have been long for your business, chances are happy customers have raved about your product or service and have testimonials, reviews, or remarks that can attract more customers. These recommendations can boost up sales as visitors can easily trust them.
Sharing customer testimonials is a sure way of making new customers feel welcome and more at ease, whether in form of videos, pictures, or written words. Video testimonials have been on the rise recently, and it easily evokes and passes out emotions and messages that the audience will understand. According to BigCommerce, social proofs can increase conversion rates by up to 34%, and positive reviews will validate the customer’s decisions. Below is an example of a written testimonial by Duplichecker.
These testimonials say what the individual achieved from using your product or service and if he/she would be willing to patronize you again. By seeing customer testimonials, a visitor becomes more trusting and lets down his/her guard. Understand that not all testimonials work for you, so you need to optimize them so that only the ones that improve your rates remain on the page.
To reinforce the points made, ways you can use testimonials as a landing age copywriting is
- Use testimonials from target people
- Use numbers, charts, or graphs as it makes it easy for readers to process your information. Quantifiable facts are more trustworthy and less ambiguous. However, do not make them the main message, as that will make your page boring for your target customer.
- Use audio and visual testimonials with images and/or video
- Place the testimonials properly so that it does not overshadow the
- Use testimonials with chances of improving conversion rates and sales
#3 Be Comprehensive
Although you do not want to make your landing page too long with irrelevant details, ensure that there are no unanswered questions in the mind of your target customer. Let the page explain all the visitor needs to know about the product or service. The idea is not to make the landing page unnecessarily long, but rather to answer all the questions that a visitor can pose.
There are chances of a higher response rate if your CTA relays the value of your product or service and how important you view your prospective audience. Add the benefits that customers will relish and give a compelling reason why such a customer requires your services or products.
#4 Use Keywords That the Customer Will Use and Understand
This entails understanding who your audience is, what they need, and how you can write in the voice of a customer. You need to know your target customer and what words will drive them to fill out a form. Knowing your customer’s persona helps you create a landing page specifically directed to each individual’s needs and makes your message relevant, thereby increasing your chances of converting a visitor to a customer.
Use words that refer to just one customer so that you can be more specific and more targeted. Surveys, questionnaires, review sites, and social media platforms are places where you can find out the sort of words that will appeal more to your customers. Using the right keywords ensures that you will welcome more visitors and attract your target audience. Questions you could ask yourself to know your customer includes
- What demographic are you appealing to?
- What are the goals the audience want to achieve with your offer?
- What keywords or search terms are they more likely to use?
#5 Highlight the Value/Selling Proposition
Your value proposition is what makes your audience believe you can deliver on your offer and that your product or service is what they need. It is a phrase used as either a headline or sub-header on a landing page. It differentiates you from your competitors, and you explain how your product or offer uniquely solves the individual’s problem. The right unique selling proposition should address a specific need and the quality you will derive from using the product or service.
The headline drives your content, and so it should be attention-grabbing. Create catchy headlines that elicit emotions and sum up your value proposition without being corny or cliché. Its information should be a summary of what is written on the body of your landing page. WordStream shows it best with their outstanding ‘Online advertising made easy’ value proposition. The phrase lets you know their business and is catchy enough to get you curious and interested.
The right value proposition should
- Explain how your business solves your ideal customers’ problem
- Make your business attractive and appealing to your customers
- Use verifiable numbers on your headline. Experts believe that headlines with verifiable numbers (often odd numbers) have higher conversion and click-through rates.
Next Steps
With a focused message, landing pages promote a specific product or offer and draw in target customers. Properly written words will do this faster than jumbled up words. To effectively create a landing page that will keep visitors, ensure it has customer testimonials or social proof, an eye-catching headline with a supporting sub-header, and a CTA with a form that visitors can fill.