Conversion Optimization

What is Conversion Optimization?

Conversion Optimization, also known as Conversion Rate Optimization or CRO, it is the art & science of continually testing & making improvements to your conversion funnels with the intent of converting more visitors  into customers.

Why bother with Conversion Rate Optimization?

Every site that is built to generate leads or revenue can benefit from even small increases in conversion rates. Each little improvement compounds over time to make lasting & proven gains. This process means you generate more revenue without adding additional acquisition costs.

  • How to Effectively Trigger and Control Your Popups
    Conversion Optimization

    How to Effectively Trigger and Control Your Popups

    As an online marketer, one of your best indicators of success is how well you manage to convert your readers. If you find you're not meeting this goal, you may want to take a look at the methods you are using, such as your Call To Action (CTA). If your this isn't optimized, or is…

  • 5 Key Ways to Level Up Your Call To Action
    Conversion Optimization

    5 Key Ways to Level Up Your Call To Action

    It goes without saying that business is largely about generating leads and sales. In fact, they're crucial for your success. Given this, using a Call To Action (CTA) at relevant points in your marketing is likely a key part of your strategy. However, if yours isn't optimized, you may be leaving a lot of money on…

  • 4 Best Practices for Creating Exit Intent Popups
    Conversion Optimization

    4 Best Practices for Creating Exit Intent Popups

    It's crucial that you do all you can to keep website visitors from navigating away. Unfortunately, not everyone will remain on your site, and (of course) it’s impossible to prevent them from leaving. Fortunately, ‘exit intent’ popups can provide a way to interact with visitors right before they leave. As such, you have one last…

  • How Niche Customer Targeting Can Boost Your Income
    Conversion Optimization

    How Niche Customer Targeting Can Boost Your Income

    While speaking to all of your site’s visitors at once does have its benefits, targeting a smaller number of them can improve your marketing efforts in many ways. Unfortunately, few website owners know how to begin targeting their customer base, and this can lead to lost sales. ‘Niche customer targeting’ is a technique to help…

  • 5 Key Extensions to Help Supercharge Your Popups
    Conversion Optimization

    5 Key Extensions to Help Supercharge Your Popups

    As a way to seamlessly integrate popups into your website, the Popup Maker plugin has a lot to offer. While there’s plenty of flexibility built into the core plugin, there are also many extensions you can use to supercharge your popups.

  • How Analytics Can Help You Improve Your Site and Increase Conversions
    Conversion Optimization

    How Analytics Can Help You Improve Your Site and Increase Conversions

    Regardless of your overall goals, it’s crucial to keep track of your site’s performance. Without doing so, you may be failing to engage your visitors and lose out on sales as a result. This is where analytics come in. By tracking site data – including visitor demographics, behaviors, and interactions – you can easily gain…