While speaking to all of your site’s visitors at once does have its benefits, targeting a smaller number of them can improve your marketing efforts in many ways. Unfortunately, few website owners know how to begin targeting their customer base, and this can lead to lost sales.

‘Niche customer targeting’ is a technique to help hone in on specific customers and target them for sales. Fortunately, tools such as Popup Maker enable you to use this technique on your own website and reap the benefits (namely, increased income).

In this post, we’ll introduce you to the concept of niche targeting. We’ll then share four specific ways you can target your niche customers, and discuss how Popup Maker’s Advanced Targeting Conditions extension can help. Let’s get started!

What Niche Targeting Is (And Why You Should Use It)

Niche customer targeting is a technique you can use to narrow your audience into a specific segment, then target them for increased sales. While this may seem counterintuitive, niche targeting actually has a number of benefits:

  • Improved conversions. For example, a personalized Call To Action (CTA) can increase conversions by 42%.
  • Increased engagement. A segmented audience is easier to engage with, as you can create tailored content. As such, this makes potential customers more willing to engage with you.
  • Decreased costs. As you spend more time targeting niches and less time on a general audience, you’ll see higher sales and spend less effort with those who may not be as serious about buying.

With a better understanding of niche targeting, let’s look at ways you can use it to boost your income.

How to Use Niche Targeting To Boost Your Income With Popup Maker (In 4 Ways)

Popup Maker has its own extension for niche targeting: Advanced Targeting Condition, which you can purchase alone or as part of the money-saving Core Bundle. This enables you to select the conditions your popups will appear in, meaning it’s easy to segment your audience.

To begin benefiting from niche targeting, you’ll first need to install and activate Popup Maker and the Advanced Targeting Condition extension. When you’re ready, let’s take a closer look at exactly what you can do.

1. Recommend Products and Services Based on the URL

An Email Signup Popup
With URL-based popups – such as this example from Ambitionally – it’s easy to make targeted recommendations and offers based on web page content.

Certain URLs on your website – such as landing pages – can help give you a good idea of what visitors are interested in. With this in mind, you can target their interests by recommending products and services you believe they’ll like, potentially resulting in more sales.

When targeting customers based on URL, you have a few options available. To begin, go to Popup Maker > Add Popup in your WordPress dashboard, then find the Conditions metabox on the right. From the drop-down menu, scroll until you see the URL section:

Popup Maker Editor Url Conditions

From here, you can either select a specific URL, or you can choose a string of URLs based on the conditions you set. For example, you can set popups to appear only on www.example.com/blog-post-1, or you can set them to appear on any URL that contains /blog-post. Additionally, you can use Query Arguments (also known as query strings) to drill down even further into the audience being targeted.

2. Suggest Products and Services Based on User Behaviors

Brenthaven User Intention Popup
At Brenthaven, behavior-based popups are used to stop visitors from abandoning the shopping cart. However, you can use them in just about anyway imaginable, including product recommendations.

User behaviors can be defined as any actions that visitors perform while on your website. As a major indicator of your users’ intentions, targeting your visitors based on their behaviors can ultimately boost conversions. What’s more, your targeting will be more precise, and your selling potential higher.

To start, you’ll set your first condition as outlined previously. However, this method differs in that you’ll continue to add Conditions to the popup until you’ve created the conditions string you’d like, connecting them via modifiers:

Popup Maker And/Or Conditions

For example, if you’d like to target visitors who’ve visited a specific URL and were referred through Facebook, you can select And, scroll down to Referrer, and set the referral URL to Begins With. Finally, enter www.facebook.com:

Popup Maker Url And Referrer Conditions

The more modifiers you use within the Conditions section, the narrower your target audience will become. For best results, you may want to use this sparingly (otherwise, you may risk making your target too narrow).

3. Offer Deals to Customers Based on the Referrer

A Facebook Referrer Popup
Popups based upon referrer – including social media platforms, search engines, and partner websites – can enable you to tailor deals for a segmented audience.

Whether you want to increase conversions or improve a partnership, offering deals based on the referrer can be good for you and your website’s visitors. With this condition in place, visiting your website from a specific URL will trigger a popup with an exclusive deal (such as a coupon code).

To set up a referrer-based popup, open the Conditions drop-down menu and scroll down to Referrer. Here, you can choose from several different options:

Popup Maker Referrer Condition

The choices are similar to the URL options, except you can also choose Is Search Engine and Is External URL from the list.

To offer a deal to those who come from a certain social media platform, select Referrer URL Begins With and enter the site (for example, www.twitter.com). Now, any users who come from Twitter (no matter the specific page) will be targeted with a popup. Of course, you can narrow it even further. To do so, select Referral URL Is and enter a specific Twitter account. Now, only those from this account will receive the popup offer.

4. Present Special Promotions Based on the Customer’s Location

Yelp Homepage
Yelp is a platform that regularly incorporates location-based promotions onto its site. You can do the same on your site, but with popups!

Location can tell you a lot about a potential customer, including their buying habits. In addition, when you’re able to identify the location of most users, you can begin to better understand your audience as a whole (especially if they largely come from one geographical area).

To target location-based customers, you’ll use Custom Conditions. However, to fully implement this method, you’ll need to flex your coding muscle to get things up and running (which you can read more about in our documentation).

The Custom Conditions Option In Popup Maker

If you don’t have the requisite knowledge, you may need to hire someone well versed in PHP and JavaScript (which shouldn’t be a problem for an experienced WordPress developer). However, the extra work and outlay should pay off, especially when you’re able to target customers based on their location and leverage the benefits this provides.


Niche customer targeting can be an invaluable addition to your current marketing strategy. By targeting certain sections of your audience, you can provide them with a better user experience overall, and improve your chances of making a sale.

In this post, we’ve discussed the importance of niche targeting. We’ve also showed you four ways you can use it to boost your income using Popup Maker’s Advanced Targeting Conditions extension. To recap, you can:

  1. Recommend products and services based on the URL.
  2. Offer products based on user behaviors.
  3. Display deals based on the referral site.
  4. Provide special promotions based on customer location.

Do you have any questions about customer targeting, or how to use Popup Maker to implement it on your website? Let us know in the comments section below!

Image credit: Pixabay.