Introduction #
Upon installation and activation, the Popup Maker AJAX Login Modals plugin extension registers three new shortcodes. This article documents the AJAX Recovery Form shortcode. Select the related article link in the right-hand column below to view documentation about the other 2 AJAX Modal shortcodes.
Shortcode Name | Shortcode Tag | Related article |
AJAX Login Form | [pum_login_form] | Shortcode: AJAX Login Form |
AJAX Registration Form | [pum_registration_form] | Shortcode: AJAX Registration Form |
AJAX Recovery Form | [pum_recovery_form] | ——————————————- |
Each shortcode is accessible within the Popup Editor ‘Visual’ tab from the Popup Maker Shortcode Button. Each shortcode tag and it’s attributes can also be added or edited within the Popup Editor ‘Text’ tab.
AJAX Recovery Form Shortcode | tag: ‘[pum_recovery_form]’ #
This shortcode allows a plugin user to quickly add a login and password recovery form to a popup.
After selecting the AJAX Login Form option from the Shortcode Button menu, work within the Popup Editor ‘Visual’ tab to edit the AJAX Login Form settings. This will set the shortcode attributes, which can be viewed and modified on the Popup Editor ‘Text’ tab.
Table of Shortcode Attributes for [pum_recovery_form] #
The attributes within this table are keyed by the AJAX Recovery Form settings box option tabs (screenshot above, and left table column below). The name of the attribute (when enabled) appears on the Popup Editor ‘Text’ tab.
Settings Box Option Tab |
Attribute | Purpose |
Input |
Comment |
Labels | disable_labels | Disables the display of field labels. | Checkbox | Default = ‘unchecked’. Attribute displays on editor ‘Text’ tab when enabled. |
Labels | label_username | Label for the username field. | Text field | Accepts any character string of letters, numbers, underscores and spaces. |
Labels | label_submit | Label for the submit button. | Text field | Accepts any character string of letters, numbers, underscores and spaces. |
Placeholders | disable_placeholders | Disables the display of field placeholders. | Checkbox | Default = ‘unchecked’. Attribute displays on editor ‘Text’ tab when enabled. |
Placeholders | placeholder_username | Placeholder text for the username field. | Text field | Accepts any character string of letters, numbers, underscores and spaces. |
Success | disable_redirect | Disables refreshing the page or redirecting after success. | Checkbox | Default = ‘unchecked’. Attribute displays on editor ‘Text’ tab when enabled. |
Success | redirect | Leave blank to refresh, or enter a url that users will be taken to after success. | Text field | Accepts any character string of letters, numbers, underscores and spaces. |
Success | autoclose | Enables the auto closing of the popup after success. | Checkbox | Default = ‘unchecked’. Attribute displays on editor ‘Text’ tab when enabled. |
Success | close_delay | The time delay before the popup closes & redirection occurs. | Range slider | Default value: 3000. Units: milliseconds (ms). Range: 0 – 10,000 ms. |