- Overview
- General Settings
- Subscriptions Settings
- Privacy Settings
- Misc Settings
- Misc
- 1) Try to bypass ad blockers
- 2) Adjust the right padding added to the body when popups are shown with an overlay.
- 3) Disable Popups Admin Bar
- 4) Enable Debug Mode
- 5) Enable Easy Modal v2 Compatibility Mode
- 6) Disable categories & tags?
- 7) Disable asset caching
- 8) Disable the Popup Maker shortcode button
- 9) Disable Popup Maker occasionally showing random tips to improve your popups
- 10) Disable Popup Maker occasionally showing community notices such as security alerts, new features or sales on our extensions.
- 11) Disable Popups Menu Editor
- 12) Delete all Popup Maker data on deactivation
- Assets Settings
- Misc
Overview #
Welcome to the Popup Maker admin Settings guide. Here’s an index of what’s in this guide.
Item | Option tab | Summary of Options |
1 | General | Set a default popup theme, enable the popup block editor, and set an API key for Google Fonts. |
2 | Subscriptions | Enable a default newsletter provider. The admin page provides a settings stub for the MailChimp Integration and Aweber Integration extensions to Popup Maker. It also allows for integration with a 3rd-party newsletter provider using the Popup Maker Provider API. |
3 | Privacy | Disable popup analytics tracking. Manage label options using the Popup Maker Subscription Form shortcode. |
4 | Misc | A variety of option settings to manage:
General Settings #

1) Default Popup Theme #
Click the dropdown and select the theme you’d like as the default theme. Once you click Save, all popups you create after will have your new default theme.
For example, if save the Light Box theme as your default, then all new popups will take on a the Popup Maker lightbox style.
2) Enable Block Editor Support #
Are you already using Gutenberg for your post and pages? You can click this option to start editing your popups in Gutenberg too!
Note: At the time of writing, you can’t enable and disable a popup inside the Bock Editor. You still can enable and disable popups under Popup Maker > All Popups.
3) Google Fonts API Key #
If you’re using Google Fonts and have an API key, enter it here.
4) Allow usage tracking? #
If you check this setting, we’ll get valuable usage data to help us make Popup Maker even better. We respect your privacy. We don’t collect any personal identifiable information (PII).
Subscriptions Settings #
The Subscriptions option provides an options interface for the Popup Maker Subscription Form shortcode, and the MailChimp Integration or AWeber Integration plugin extensions to Popup Maker. It also provides an options interface for any 3rd-party newsletter application that integrates with Popup Maker. See the related article for details on the plugin’s Provider API for newsletter integration.
Related article: Email Marketing Integration with Popup Maker
Privacy Settings #
The Privacy option includes 2 categories: General and Subscription Forms.
General #
This admin page includes one option setting; the ability to disable popup open tracking. This feature is located in the popup editor Analytics box (classic editor) or Analytics advanced panel in the editor sidebar (block editor).
By default, Popup Maker tracks the number of times that a popup opens in the browser ( checkbox = ‘unchecked’ ). When the checkbox is checked, popup open tracking is turned off.
Subscription Forms #
This admin page controls the default settings for all forms created with the Popup Maker Subscription Form shortcode. You can override the default settings for a single subscription form while editing the form in the popup editor.
Misc Settings #
The Misc (miscellaneous) settings are divided into 2 categories; Misc and Assets.
Misc #
1) Try to bypass ad blockers #
Web browsers set to block popup ads may prevent popups created with Popup Maker from loading or displaying. Select and save this option to attempt to bypass ad-blocking programs.
2) Adjust the right padding added to the body when popups are shown with an overlay. #
If your post or page shifts when you display a popup with an overlay, check this to adjust the post or page padding. Usually, setting this to 0px stops the shifting.
3) Disable Popups Admin Bar #
Popup Maker adds an element to the WordPress Admin toolbar labeled Popup Maker (screenshot above). This button element allows you to preview and test published popups on the front end of their site.
Check this option to remove the Popup Maker toolbar element from the WordPress Admin toolbar.
Related article: The Popup Maker Admin Toolbar
4) Enable Debug Mode #
Popup Maker includes a robust set of debugging tools that can be used to evaluate plugin settings on any popup. By default, this feature is set to ‘off’.
Check this option to run the Popup Maker debugger in the browser console.
Note: You can also temporarily activate the plugin’s debug tools in the browser by adding the query string ‘?pum_debug’ after a domain name (item 1 above).
In the above example (items 2 and 3), the Console tab is open in Google Chrome Developer Tools to inspect the popup settings for a published popup.
Related article: Enable and Use Popup Maker Debug Tools
5) Enable Easy Modal v2 Compatibility Mode #
The Easy Modal plugin preceded the development of Popup Maker. Easy Modal customers who export their plugin settings to Popup Maker can enable ‘compatibility mode’. This allows Popup Maker to launch a popup imported from Easy Modal with the latter plugin’s popup CSS classes.
6) Disable categories & tags? #
Uncheck this if you want to organize your popups by categories and tags.
7) Disable asset caching #
By default, Popup Maker loads its asset files one time and then saves (caches) them for later use within the plugin. Some servers running Popup Maker do not allow these script files to load properly.
Check this option to stop Popup Maker from caching asset files.
8) Disable the Popup Maker shortcode button #
The popup classic editor includes a shortcode button that lets you add a trigger, close button, or subscription form to their popup. By default, the shortcode button is enabled within the plugin.
Check this option to remove the shortcode button from the Editor.
The shortcode button is not currently available in the popup block editor. In the block editor, add a Popup Maker shortcode to a shortcode block. Or continue to use the popup classic editor until Popup Maker fully integrates with the block editor.
Related article: Shortcode button
9) Disable Popup Maker occasionally showing random tips to improve your popups #
Check this to stop seeing random tip messages.
10) Disable Popup Maker occasionally showing community notices such as security alerts, new features or sales on our extensions. #
Check this to stop seeing community notices (e.g., security alerts), new features, and sale discounts on Pro features.
11) Disable Popups Menu Editor #
Popup Maker adds a drop-down menu of popups for you to trigger a popup from a menu item. You’ll see this drop-down from the WordPress Menu editor ( Appearance > Menu ).
Check this setting to remove the Trigger a Popup drop-down menu.
Related article: Open a Popup from a WordPress Nav Menu
Some plugins or themes modify the menu editor by targeting the same PHP class in WordPress used by Popup Maker. This code conflict removes Popup Maker’s Menu Editor custom field from view, which interferes with your ability to select popups set on a nav menu element. The related article below explains the problem and how to fix it.
Related article: Popup Maker Is Overwriting My Menu Editor Functions – How Can I Fix This?
In some situations, you may need to remove the popup trigger setting from the menu editor to restore other functionality within their theme.
12) Delete all Popup Maker data on deactivation #
By default, when Popup Maker is deactivated and uninstalled from a site, all popup data stored in the database is preserved. If the plugin is installed and activated again on the same site, the data from the previous plugin installation is reusable.
To remove all Popup Maker data from the database on plugin removal, select and save this option. Then proceed with plugin uninstall in the Plugin admin. All popup, popup theme, and popup subscription form data will be removed from the database during the plugin uninstall.
Assets Settings #
1) Don’t Load Google Fonts #
Popup Maker loads and stores Google Fonts to use in the popup themes. Your theme might also load Google Fonts.
If so, check this option to stop Popup Maker from loading Google Fonts to avoid loading them twice and slowing down your site.
2) Don’t load Popup Maker core stylesheet. #
If you don’t want the Popup Maker core styles, click to check this option. This is handy if Popup Maker’s CSS clashes with your theme’s styles or if you want to make your own copy of Popup Maker’s CSS to customize later (see Show Popup Maker CSS below).
3) Don’t load popup theme styles to the head. #
If you want to copy and paste the Popup Maker theme styles into your theme stylesheet, you should disable those plugin styles from loading a second copy (hurting performance).
Check this option to stop the Popup Maker from loading the popup theme styles.
4) Show Popup Maker CSS #
Click Show Popup Maker CSS to display the Popup Maker core and theme styles.
Showing the Popup Maker CSS makes it convenient for you to copy the CSS to make customizations. It’s also useful when you want to remove unused Popup Maker theme styles to help site performance.
Related article: How to Find the Popup Maker Core and Popup Theme CSS