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Secure Idle User Logout–Plugin Introduction and Option Settings

Overview #

The Secure Idle User Logout (SUIL) extension to Popup Maker monitors continuous idle time on a web site. When a visitor is inactive for a period of time, a popup displays a countdown timer. When the timer reaches 0, the popup closes and the browser is refreshed. 
Visitors can disrupt the logout prompt by closing the SUIL popup before the countdown timer reaches 0. This resets the plugin trigger, which restarts the idle time countdown.

The SUIL extension works well in combination with the AJAX Login Modals extension ‘Force Login’ trigger’ (sold separately). The SUIL plugin provides an ‘Idle Time’ trigger to monitor site inactivity, and a ‘Secure Logout Prompt’ shortcode to set and display a countdown timer within a popup. 

When the SUIL popup closes,  the AJAX Login Modals ‘Force Login’ trigger  fires and displays a login form.  Visitors are required to login again to regain site access. The SUIL extension is an excellent tool for managing access to sites (or site areas) that contain sensitive and confidential data.

Related article:  AJAX Login Modal Triggers

Article Contents #

  • How to Set a Secure Logout Prompt Shortcode

  • Create a Popup with the SUIL Countdown Timer

  • The SUIL and AJAX Login Modals Extensions Used Together

    • 1)  Set a SUIL Popup

  • 2)  Set an AJAX Login Modals Popup 

  • 3)  Trigger the SUIL Popup and Force Login 

  • How to Set an Idle Time Trigger #

    File Xonar5M3G9
    The SUIL extension provides access to an ‘Idle Time’ trigger in the Popup Settings box, and a ‘Secure Logout Prompt’ shortcode menu option ( tag:  ‘pum_secure_logout’ ) in the Popup Editor. 
    1)  From the WordPress Admin, select either: ‘Popup Maker’ >> ‘All Popups’ to modify an existing popup, or ‘Popup Maker’ >> ‘Add New’ to create a new popup. 
    2)  Within the Popup Editor, scroll to the Popup Settings box. 
    3)  Select the ‘Triggers’ option tab, and the ‘Triggers & Cookies’ option category. 
    4)  Click the button labeled ‘Add New Trigger’. 

    5)  From the trigger settings box, select the ‘Idle Time’ menu option, then select the ‘Add’ button. 
    File Lwkj4Utrpb

    6)  Do not check the box labeled Would you like to set up a cookie as well?”.  By not setting or linking a cookie to the trigger, the popup will continue to display each time the trigger conditions are met. 
    See related article:   ‘Trigger’ option settings // Refer to: ‘Definition of Terms’. 

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    Idle Time Settings box  #

    ‘General’ option tab #

    Either accept or edit the Idle Time timer on this option settings tab. By default, the timer is set to logout an idle user after 15 minutes. The time range slider can be adjusted incrementally in one of two ways:
    1) enter a value in the input field located to the right of the slider, OR
    2) click the + / – buttons. 
    The timer buttons add or subtract time in one minute increments. All time values entered as decimals (for example, 3.5m for 3-1/2 minutes) will be rounded off to the nearest whole number.  The initial range of accepted minimum and maximum values is 1 and 120 minutes respectively.
    Select the ‘Add’ button to save the idle time settings and set the trigger. 

    Edit or Delete the Idle Time Trigger #

    See related article:  ‘Triggers’ option settings // Refer to: ‘Edit an Existing Trigger’ or ‘Delete and Existing Trigger’. 

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    How to Set a Secure Logout Prompt Shortcode #

    File Zlkp9By6Um

    In the Popup Editor, (1) click the Popup Maker shortcode button, and (2) select the  ‘Secure Logout Prompt’ menu option. Set a value for the countdown timer in seconds. 

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    ‘Secure Logout Prompt’ box #

    ‘General’ option tab #

    File Sdjkrnx4Kk

    Countdown Time ( time range slider ) — Plugin default: 30 seconds (initial range: 0 – 180 seconds). The countdown time sets the initial value that the timer will count down to zero. 

    Shortcode Attributes 

    <!--The 'time' attribute default value is 30 seconds.-->
    <!--The attribute is an integer value.-->

    [pum_secure_logout time=”30″ ]

    Form Alignment ( options menu ) — Plugin default: ‘Center’. The form alignment setting positions the countdown timer within the popup editor. 

    Shortcode Attributes

    <!--The 'alignment' attribute default option is 'center'.-->

    [pum_secure_logout alignment=”center | left | right” ]

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    Create a Popup with the SUIL Countdown Timer #

    File Wscftbcipd

    The Secure Logout Prompt shortcode option adds a countdown timer to the Popup Editor (Visual tab). By itself, the counter lacks any context when displayed to a site visitor. 

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    Plugin users can add content before and after the timer to give it context within the popup. 

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    The screenshot above displays the popup on the site’s front end with the countdown timer at work. 

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    The SUIL and AJAX Login Modals Extensions Used Together #

    File Lbpxgjbad9

    The Popup Maker SUIL and AJAX Login Modals extensions can be used together to securely logout an inactive user, and log them back into a site.  The following 4 steps demonstrate how to use the 2 plugins together. 

    1) Set a SUIL popup  #

    File Kzqpvyh92T

    Either add a new popup, or edit an existing one. In the Popup Settings box, select the ‘Trigger’ tab and ‘Triggers & Cookies’ category. Select the ‘Add New Trigger’ button (or edit an existing trigger) and set a new Idle Time trigger. Save or update the trigger.  Do not set nor link a cookie to this trigger. 

    File Qgtsdlx6K0

    Select the ‘Targeting’ tab in the Popup Settings box, and make sure that the targeting field remains blank (plugin default). The popup will activate on all posts and pages throughout the site. For additional information on how popup targeting works, see the related article below.

    Related article:  ‘Targeting’ option settings

    File Zlkp9By6Um

    In the Popup Editor, (1) click the Popup Maker shortcode button, and (2) select the ‘Secure Logout Prompt’ menu option. Set a value for the countdown timer in seconds. 

    File 6K5Cy856G2

    In the popup editor, add any content before or after the countdown timer to provide context to the visitor.  Select the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button to save the changes.

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    2) Set an AJAX Login Modals popup #

    File Ww4Lhrrfpv

    Create or edit a second popup. In the Popup Settings box (Triggers tab), set a Force Login trigger.  On the ‘Targeting’ tab, leave the targeting field blank (same settings as in the previous step). 

    File Eqoa1U7Emn

    In the Popup Editor, (1) click on the Popup Maker shortcode button, and (2) select the AJAX Login Form menu option. The shortcode will generate a login form in the popup when it displays on the front-end. 

    File Fpibajlx6U

    3) Trigger the SUIL Popup and Force Login #

    Demonstration Video: The Secure User Idle Logout and AJAX Login Modals Popup Used Together (time: 0:18 seconds)

    Visit the front of the site, and  use the Popup Maker Admin Toolbar to trigger the display of the SUIL popup.  Once the popup opens, the timer will count down.  

    When the countdown reaches 0, the popup will close, and the AJAX Login Form popup will display. Visitors will be required to log back into the site to regain access. 

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